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Hello, I am Darweesh

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5G & OpenRAN Leadership
5G & OpenRAN Leadership

Strategic leadership in 5G and OpenRAN, guiding integration and compliance with 3GPP standards and protocols.

Values Based Consulting
Values Based Consulting
Digital transformation

Blending robust ICT foundation with strategic foresight to catalyze techo business transformations and value creation.

Data Analyst
Data Analyst
Data Visualization and Analysis Tools: Power BI, SAP BI, MicroStrategy, Qliksense and tableau

Proficient in data-driven decision making and deriving insights for enhanced network efficiency and business performance improvements.

IoT Systems Integration
IoT Systems Integration
Mirosoft, Azure IoT Hub, ABB

Devising and implementing comprehensive IoT solutions, leveraging platforms such as Azure IoT Hub for seamless connectivity and integration.

Automation Expert
Automation Expert
Python, Cloud, DBMs and In-house Custom Solutions

Mastery in leading and architecting automation projects, optimizing telecom processes for peak efficiency.

Content Creator
Content Creator
Speaker, Tech Blogger, YouTuber [Beta]

Proficient content creator, adept at simplifying and communicating intricate technical concepts to a wider audience through diverse mediums.

AI-Driven Network Optimization Lead
AI-Driven Network Optimization Lead
AI, ML, Python and SONs

Unlocking the power of AI and Machine Learning to enhance SON automation processes, achieving peak network performance.

Telecom Educator
Telecom Educator
1000+ hours

Experienced trainer, guiding professionals in understanding and navigating the evolving telecom landscape.



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Hey, I'm Darweesh

With years of experience consulting with telecom giants, I’ve gained a profound understanding of the Tech industry ’s complex dynamics. My journey has taken me through the business world, grasping the details, enhancing productivity, identifying strategies, and most importantly, mastering them.

I’m the professional they turn to when the technical meets the tactical, and it’s time to get things done. In a world where everyone’s racing, I’ve learned the art of pacing, ensuring that productivity is 10x. Beyond metrics, I find fulfillment in empowering colleagues to achieve goals with clarity and confidence.

My door is always open for unique collaborations and challenges. So, if you think there’s an avenue we can explore together, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

For those eager to pick up quick insights and strategies, the ‘Weekly Insights’ on my site is where you should be. Here’s to decoding the corporate maze together!

Certified Blockchain Architect
5G Associate
Digital Strategy